Although we always have the car at the pick up address early, it's traditional for the bride to be late if not just on time. In reality many brides tend to be get caught up in the excitement of the day and are ready early and want to get to the church. In cases like this we always advise the bride to wait a bit longer because if you leave too early guests will be milling around outside chatting and renewing acquaintances plus other guests have yet to arrive. Ushers will panic and wave the car on as they and possibly the photographer are not ready to receive the bride.
We always pre-plan our journeys and the time it will take (barring any unforeseeable circumstances). Unless the journey is over 20 minutes we will always advise leaving to arrive on time. If the journey time is over 20 minutes we will allow 5 minutes or so contingency and if as we near the church it looks like we will be early we will make a short detour to ensure an on time arrival.
Of course the bride has the final say and we will always abide by her wishes but we will give advice based on the benefit of our experience.
If you've timed it right you should only see the vicar, bridesmaids and photographer on arrival |
A wedding is almost as exciting for the bridesmaids as it is for the bride however both brides and bridesmaids often forget the bridesmaids responsibilities. You would be amazed how often the bridesmaids jump into their car, head off to the church and go straight in leaving the bride unaided.
The bridesmaids should be there to help the bride into her car and ensure she has everything with her such as bouquet, bag, emergency make up etc. Their car should then leave with the bride's car following close behind. On arrival at the church the bridesmaids should be waiting to help the bride from the car and make the final checks to dress, hair and make up. She will be grateful for the assistance and it will make her more relaxed for the ceremony.
Ensure your bridesmaids are suitably briefed prior to the day.
Looks like perfect bridesmaids |